Allison Dollar

Solopreneur. Dog Mom. Wordle fan. Vodka Lover. Pilates Queen. Marketing Guru. Obsessed with Self-Education.

Allison isn’t afraid of pushing conventional lines when it comes to business or life. The word “No” isn’t in her vocabulary.

Living in the grey lines of life is what she prefers. Nothing in life is black or white. It is a combination of everything. Grey.

Making the decision to finish her education as a non-traditional student in her early 30’s then creating her own space in the marketing world while working on her graduate degree she has over the years made the conscious decision to go for exactly what she wants professionally and personally.

“The question isn’t ‘what are we going to do,’ the question is ‘what aren’t we going to do” - Ferris Bueller

People will stare. Make it worth their while”-Harry Winston